Saturday, June 28, 2014
Forever blessed by gods grace
Im back
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Catching feeling
HLast week i worked my butt off, by Wednesday I was so tired I felt like I didn't have those few days off for the holiday but nevertheless I am grateful for my job.
Sunday I did not cook and it felt so good. He didn't care to call and neither did I. I slept in and ate out. I ironed for the week and watched tv in sweet peace.
The week before I was interrogated as expected but this time he went a little too far. From searching my room to asking 21 question about issues like he was an old grandpar. Questions that shouldn't even be an issue. Truth is I am an will never be this heartless person he wants me to be. I am so much better than he will ever have the decency to see.
He didn't get answers I really wanted him to hear and this year I'm trying not to swear. What I really wanted to say is good bye my dear. You can't see me as your wife and it's about that time I start living yea its my year.
A new week starts and I still feel the same cant wait to get to that point where my emotional status change. Oh yea he watches those too. You know when you guilty you think it's always about you. Lol. It funny how guys think until it relates to them they just can't see.
Today I was told im a miserable happy in a funny way but with all these emotions what can I say.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
My 2014 forecast
Hi Everyone,
Hope you had a great Christmas and brought in what I look forward to being a great new year.
I know most of you have set resolution that won't make it past February but Im not sure if that's what im into. I have set goals as I always do all to make me a better person, last year I was successful and hope to make it in 2014 too. To the disciplines congrats and keep up the good work but those who have failed better luck next time.
For those who have been following my blog sharing my pain and feast for the joy of a broken world I thank you and I have so much more to share. Only this time you may not like it so much as my life moves on and most of you are stuck in the old days of sad relationships and hopeless futures all because you are afraid to take that step.
See what I failed to inform you is that I have always been independent, strong,loving, caring, confident, intelligent and striving to be the best at any thing I do so this go round I'm embracing me and the motto is "love me or let me go". How is your year forecast looking?.