Saturday, January 4, 2014

My 2014 forecast

Hi Everyone, 

Hope you had a great Christmas and brought in what I look forward to being a great new year.

I know most of you have set resolution that won't make it past February but Im not sure if that's what im into.  I have set goals as I always do all to make me a better person, last year I was successful and hope to make it in 2014 too. To the disciplines congrats and keep up the good work but those who have failed better luck next time.

For those who have been following my blog sharing my pain and feast for the joy of a broken world I thank you and I have so much more to share.  Only this time you may not like it so much as my life moves on and most of you are stuck in the old days of sad relationships and hopeless futures all because you are afraid to take that step.

See what I failed to inform you is that I have always been independent, strong,loving, caring, confident, intelligent and striving to be the best at any thing I do so this go round I'm embracing me and the motto is "love me or let me go". How is your year forecast looking?.

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