Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yes she

I made it through another weekend and had a great Saturday night,  looking forward to many more incredible days in this thing called life. It only gets better adjusting to knowing my ways. With god on my side there will be so many sunny days.

Maybe, my heart mind body and soul is focus on someone else a little more work will make him my spouse.  My ex boyfriend that's exactly what he is, don't even see this being a successful affair.

I look forward to taking on this thing called life and maybe one day soon ill be someone's proud wife. Things may not always go my way but I am thankful every day.

Work is work as usual what can I say today. I wished the cheater boyfriend a happy birthday.  Yea I know you're wondering whats going on but please remember I did nothing wrong.

I miss him. What more can I say, I miss that smile that use to lighten my day.

Oh well life goes on im looking forward to say yes there will be another day. 

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