Friday, November 18, 2011

Talking about hair i'm inspired.

Monthly Hair Regime
My Hair have so many textures it unbelieveable at time, but I absolutely love it . Just thought I would share with you a few main items I use and maybe you will share your experience to.

Please note that i have never used any product to change the texture of my hair.

Wash and Conditionevery week with:

I some times change up my shampoo because my hair gets tired of the same product and starts looking dull so I would use:

I love the texture and smell of my hair once I use these. They are very inexpensive and you can find them in almost every general store.

Leave in- twice a week


Treatment- twice a month:

Deep Condition-once a month (during the cold months twice a month) I would practically leave this on all day, or even sleep in it with a sweat cap then wash the next morning.

Serum- daily

Grease- twice a month


Styling product- now some of you may not like this product because of its texture but i love it. this is the best thing since computers. it has a heavy feel to your hair once applied but it is definately great in my book for styling since i dont like the feeling of gel.  there is another light version of this same grease. YES! its a grease for those of you that dont know, but i'm not a fan of the lighter one. the original posted above I have this by the tons. I use this almost everyday. If your only wash your hair every 2-3 weeks this may not be your favourite so u may apply when necessary

 Blow Dry- occasionally (8-10 times a year) I KNOW! I KNOW that may seem like alot but I donot get heat damage and as soon as a drop of humidity (water, sweat, leave in after a blowdry) my hair turns back to it natural form.

Yeah so family, its the weekend I'm leaving work will let you know whats goin on with me this weekend.

Hair pics will be posted soon :) 
Hope you enjoy.

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