Monday, November 21, 2011


Hello Family,

Hope all is well in this trying times of our life.

Its been a busy weekend for me but I did get time to bake that BANANA Bread for ya and it came out lovellllllllllyy.

I almost didn't want to cut it. But I did. This is food now ;) who we kidding.

All my wet ingredients

Adding the 1 1/2 cup of flour
Gotta have my non stick on the go
Pan all greased and dust with a lil flour
Ready to go
Ta dahhhhhhhh!
OMG! It Raise. It light, moise
Yes! I had to do it n it was great!:)

For this recipe and more information on this please check my previous blog "Going Bananas" :) 

Cheers !

Thanks for Reading. Stay tuned for upcoming post.

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