Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tonight's dinner-Shrimp

Parents, friends, love-ones I know we are always looking for week night dinner ideas that's easy and quick so this is what I cook tonight 15mins prep and 30mins cook

Ingredient: 16 Shrimp, 1/2 Red Onion, 1 stalk Celery, 1/4 head Cabbage, 1 1/2 cup frozen Mix Veggie, 2 cups Rice, 1/2 quart Heavy Cream (this can be substituted with coconut milk for a caribbean flare), 3 tsp Butter, Avocado and seasoning. Serving of 4
Cut cabbage into thin shred and saute in skillet with a teaspoon of butter for 5-7 mins

cut up onion and celery

add veggie to cabbage and cook on medium heat for 3 minutes

add in onion and celery than season to your taste with crush pepper, complete seasoning and black pepper

immediately add in shrimp (I butterfly mine for better consistency)

Once shrimp has change color add cream and let simmer on low heat for another 5-7 minutes until milk thickens

and dinner is severed with Plain White Rice and Avocado

*****Remember not to over cook veggies and shrimp*****

Thanks for Reading. Stay tuned for upcoming post. Lots of love Laddee

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