Monday, September 16, 2013

What's for dinner?

Today I'm having: Cinnamon Chicken and Apple potato salad

You can use your favorite part of the chicken to do this and since I'm a dark meat lover I used chicken thighs.  You season with a merinate of cinnamon, complete season, crushed pepper, brown sugar and teriyaki sauce. This can be done the night before or 3hrs before baking. Then bake on 350º until chicken is  cooked soft and moist.

While baking the you can prepare the salad. You will need an apple peeled and chopped, stalk of celery chopped, half of onion chopped, 1/2 cup sour cream,  1/2 cup mayo, 1tsp sugar, 2 boiled eggs chopped and 3-4 potatoes peeled cubed and boil.  Season with salt. 

In a large bowl mix sour cream,  mayo,  sugar, season, the celery, onion, egg then fold in the potatoes and refrigerate until serving time.

Served with fresh iceberg lettuce or you can use the lettuce of your choice.

So go on tell me what did you have?

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