Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vacation! Day ♡2♡

It was errand day. You would think I be off to an early start but that sure didn't happen.

Went to bed late the night before slept late, woke up and went back to bed. Finally got up around midday to get my work started. I know most of you thinking that's so late but when you already know your day is going to be long you have to take advantage of the little time you got so I slept.

Got out did my banking, paid my vehicle insurance (yea you know that INCASE something happens policy). Did some other little things and got home around late evening.

I also wanted to start getting the stuff sorted for my friend and co worker's bday weekend retreat next week but this darn phone won't stop ringing with work calls. So there was a bitter sweet moment because all the stores were closed.  I know it's slow season but seriously why close for so long. The bakery close and the flower shop close. So that has to wait until next week Monday. Sorry to say small gathering are just as tiring as big functions the only difference is the quantity and cost because you still have to follow all the steps. So please look for party updates and another busy week on my homecation.


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