Monday, October 14, 2013

When it rain it pours......

I meant that literally.

It started raining from Friday evening and all Saturday morning.  It thundered and it lighten, as I layed in bed listening to the soothing sound of water flowing over the rocks on the hill in the back of my room.

It sound so romantic, too bad I was alone and those who enjoyed that cuddling moment most of them woke up to floating stilettos and drifting furniture from minor flooding.

Got a few calls from friends and colleagues to say the storm did not go well with them which makes me even more thankful for the life god has blessed me with. So just remember when we sometimes have our hearts and minds focus on one thing life has ways of bringing us back to reality showing what is more important.

I miss my boyfriend and that cuddling moment but I'm thankful I didn't get flood out so what is your pouring moment?

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